We're Amelia And JP

Expats & YouTubers in Ecuador

This is the course we wish we had when we moved to Ecuador in 2017. We felt our way around in the dark and learned every lesson the hard way. And some of those lessons cost us a lot of money!

This course will make your move to Ecuador easier, faster and cheaper than ours was!
Amelia And JP

Here's What You'll Get

You asked for a guide to make your move to Ecuador less mysterious and confusing, so that was our goal when we set out to create this course. Here is what you'll get:

  • A-to-Z Relocation Guide - A step-by-step guide to make your move to Ecuador easier, faster and cheaper.

  • Complete Rolodex - Immediate access to our entire list of service providers in Ecuador: drivers, insurance, visas, real estate, etc.

  • Insider Knowledge - Real, honest insider knowledge about Ecuador from the expat perspective.

  • Best Places to Live - A comparison of the best expat cities to help you decide where to live.

  • Visa Options - Help deciding which type of visa best fits your situation.

  • Sensitive Topics - Discussion of sensitive topics we wouldn't post on our public YouTube channel.

Bonus Material

In addition to all the insider information we share in the videos and written content, you'll also get these exclusive bonuses:

  • Relocation Checklist

    Our A-to-Z Ecuador Relocation Checklist has every step you’ll need to take along the way, from your decision to move to Ecuador to living here. Once you check the last item off the list, you’ll be living in Ecuador!

  • City Comparison Matrix

    We’ve created a City Comparison Matrix to help you decide where to live based on what’s important to you. Just circle the things that matter to you and your dream destination will reveal itself!

  • Complete Rolodex

    You’ll gain immediate access to our entire list of trusted service providers in Ecuador who can help you with visas, shipping, prescription research, transportation, insurance and more! (formerly our referral program)

Course Curriculum

We designed the course to be consumed in small chunks so you don’t feel overwhelmed. It covers every step in the process, from your decision to move to Ecuador, to living in your new home away from home.


    2 Videos / 1 Article / 1 Survey

    Gives a preview of the course content, provides a tutorial for using the course software, contains links for getting help and support, and lets you tell us what you’re expecting to get out of the course.


    9 Videos (28 min) + Text

    Covers costs of moving and living, Spanish learning shortcuts, passport prep, minimizing banking fees, mobile phone readiness, and how to get help from other expats.


    5 Videos (12 min) + Text

    Covers the general visa requirements, most common types of temporary residency visas, and the application process.


    10 Videos (31 min) + Text

    Discusses the pros & cons of the 8 most popular expat cities/areas in Ecuador, compares them to each other, and includes our top 3 choices for first-time expats.


    9 Videos (21 min) + Text + 2 Articles

    Covers the best ways to travel to Ecuador, airports, ground transportation, safety, lodging, COVID travel info & vaccine info.


    8 Videos (23 min) + Text

    Discusses all the steps you need to take as you prepare to move abroad, including visa prep, finances & taxes, how to handle your mail, selling vs. shipping, what to bring and preparing your family and friends for your departure.


    7 Videos (18 min) + Text

    Covers all the steps you need to take before you leave home and move to Ecuador, including the documents you need to bring, getting packed for the trip, considerations if you’re bringing children or pets, and making your final travel plans.


    12 Videos (70 min) + Text

    Covers everything you’ll need to do as you get settled in your new home away from home, including money & banking, long-term housing, cédulas, cell phones, healthcare & health insurance, saving money, religion & politics, social life, dating, avoiding scams, preparing for culture shock, and the honeymoon phase. You’ll also learn about Ecuador’s demographics, history and the flag.


    1 Video (9 min) + Text + 1 Article / 1 Survey

    Course wrap up with some final thoughts and words of encouragement. Also contains a list of additional resources and an exit survey so you can tell us what you thought of the course.


Make your move to Ecuador easier!
Regular Updates. Lifetime Access.


Just a few of more than 500 happy students!

  • Brian - Texas

    Thanks for putting together a great course! The topics covered were spot on and very relevant to me as I am traveling to Ecuador this next week for an exploratory trip. The common sense approach to the material was refreshing. Thanks for what you do.

  • Karey - U.S.

    I thought it was very helpful. Such great info and the topics covered were detailed. So many extra links and resources to all the helpful items for making a decision and making a move. Thanks Amelia & JP for putting this together!

  • Stephen - U.S.

    I have been stumbling around on moving to Ecuador. Looking at really expensive tour groups, which I do not like. I like getting out and “rubbing elbows” with the locals. This has given me the insight and courage to move forward.

  • Nancy - U.S.

    Learning a lot! This module was very helpful on letting us know what to expect as we go through getting ready to become expats. It’s wonderful learning from someone that’s been there and done that.

  • Kevin - U.S.

    Saved Me a LOT of Time. I wish this came out before I did 5 months of research. This course tells almost all anyone needs.

  • Bruce & Lin An - U.S.

    Lots of good and helpful information. So glad we purchased your excellent course.

  • Antony - U.S.

    Excellent Course! Well worth the price for all this priceless information.

  • Timothy - U.S.

    Has helped me to make the decision to retire in Ecuador.

  • Richard - U.S.

    We love this. Wish we would have started it earlier.

  • Stephanie - U.S.

    Perfect timing! All topics were covered well.

  • Paul - U.S.

    All countries should have a course like this.

Similar Programs Cost a LOT More!

That’s how much popular expat tour services cost. They give you a great overview of the most popular places to live, but they don’t tell you how to MOVE to Ecuador. These tours are great if you can afford them and have 2 weeks or more to spend touring the country on a bus, but if you already know where you want to live in Ecuador, they won’t help you move here.

That’s how much you’ll pay PER TICKET to attend those popular “live abroad” events. They are a great way to meet other people in real life, and make connections to help you move to Ecuador. However, you can only attend one speaker event at a time, which means you’re bound to miss some important topics. Plus, you’ll spend the entire week being upsold to spend even more money on products and services you don’t really need.

That’s how much similar, highly specialized how-to and motivational eCourses like this one cost. We’ve seen some specialty eCourses like ours priced as high as $1,500! And we’ve seen other expat eCourses that are equivalent to just ONE of our NINE modules priced around $100!

Most people can’t afford (or at least don’t want to spend) thousands of dollars just to research and plan their move abroad. So we wanted our eCourse to be affordable for anyone who is seriously considering a move to Ecuador.

And some of our money-saving tips will likely save you FAR more than the cost of the course!

Take the First Step!

You'll get lifetime access, 60+ videos with additional written content, links to external resources, complete Rolodex access, discussion forum, move abroad checklist, city comparison matrix, and more!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Why isn't this course free?

    Almost everything we do is totally FREE, including our public YouTube videos, the detailed articles we share on our blog, our weekly newsletter, and responses to the hundreds of messages and questions we receive each week. Providing all this information for free is important to us because we want everyone to have access to it, regardless of their financial situation.

    However, we also need to earn a living (since we’re not retired or old enough to collect SS) and we want to grow our channel so we can educate and inspire more people. Unfortunately, YouTube ad revenue alone has never been sufficient to support us OR help us expand our reach.

    Even worse, that ad revenue is extremely volatile! It often fluctuates by more than 90% from month-to-month, which means we can’t count on it and that makes it impossible to plan for our future.

    Over the span of 3 months, we spent more than 500 hours researching, scripting, filming, editing and publishing over 60 videos for this eCourse, each with additional written content and links to external resources.

    Most of the course attendees say they would have paid more. And we hope you’ll find that the money-saving tips will save you more than the cost.

  • Can I find all this info for free?

    You certainly could, but if you value your time as much as we do, this course is worth its weight in gold!

    We’ve covered nearly all of this information at one time or another (except for sensitive topics like dating and Ecuadorian politics) somewhere in our hundreds of public videos and articles. However, it’s not easy for us to find, let alone our viewers. And the information is in no particular order; it’s not an A-to-Z guide.

    That’s one main reason why we created this course. We get so many questions every day that we’re finding it difficult to answer all of them, and many are the same. This course provides a structured, step-by-step approach to moving abroad that answers almost every question imaginable, and it also provides an index of the information so answers are easy to find when you need them.

  • Can I get a refund if I hate it?

    We would rather address your complaints by providing answers and additional resources, but if you absolutely hate the course and think it’s useless, we will certainly refund your money.

  • How long will it take me to finish the course?

    The course has roughly 3.5 hours of video content, plus a BUNCH of written content and links to even more information in our public videos and articles. It will probably take you 5 to 10 hours at a minimum if you read everything. Much longer if you look at all the reference information.

  • Will you keep the content updated?

    Yes. We’ll update the written content frequently, and record new videos when something substantial changes. We’ll probably even add new lessons to the modules over time based on your feedback.

  • What do I actually get when I buy the course?

    You’ll get lifetime access to the full course and all course improvements. As things change, we’ll keep the course updated.

    The course is hosted on Thinkific so if you’ve used that platform before, or a similar e-learning service, you’ll know what to expect. Basically, it’s a video tutorial broken down by module and lesson into small chunks that will walk you through the process of moving abroad to Ecuador.

    You’ll also get the bonus materials (Relocation Checklist, City Comparison Matrix and Cost of Moving & Living Calculator), plus each lesson has a comments section (discussion forum) so you can ask topic-specific questions and get answers from us and other users.

    And finally, you can download the course slides for each module so you can print them and take notes as you watch the videos, if that’s your thang!

  • Can I talk to you on the phone or Zoom?

    Yes! We host a monthly group Zoom Happy Hour call. You can sign-up for one month on Patreon if you want to have a real-time conversation with us and then downgrade or cancel after the call. It’s a great way to meet other unconventionals, too!

  • Are there tests or homework?

    No. Your only homework is to take the course, download the checklist and start checking things off!

  • How does payment work?

    Payments can be made with a credit card or using PayPal on the order page. You’ll be charged immediately after pressing the “Complete Order” button.

Take the
Ecuador Relocation eCourse

Once you check the last item off your list, you'll be living in Ecuador!